Pre-K 4
Pre-K 4 is for children who turn four on or before December 1, 2024.
We recommend Pre-K 4 for children who turn four on or before September 1st.
For the 2024-2025 School Year, Pre-K 4 is offered at Hampton, North Hill, and University Hills.
2024-2025 Class Sections
- Hampton ~ TBD & Mrs. Moore
- Hampton ~ Mrs. Roll & Mrs. Ansari
- Hampton ~ Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Beshir
- North Hill ~ Mrs. Mason & Mrs. Feeley
- North Hill ~ Mrs. Imlay & Mrs. Bogojevski
- University Hills~ Mrs. Brisse & Mrs. Fieblekorn
- University Hills ~ Mrs. Gladstone & Mrs. Bortolotti
Hampton ~ TBD & Mrs. Moore
Room 30 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00-2:00 248.726.3753
Pre-K 4 MWF Calendar Daily Routine coming Fall 2024
Teacher, TBD
Mrs. Moore, Assistant
This is Mrs. Moore's 10th year working in RCS Pre-K. She graduated from Western Michigan University with her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Psychology. She says the best thing about teaching is "observing children's wonder and curiosity about something that interests them, and then expanding on those interest to help them learn new things."
Mrs. Moore and her husband, Mike, have two daughters, Alyssa and Megan. Her favorite color is blue, her favorite food is chocolate, and she enjoys traveling and hiking.
Hampton ~ Mrs. Roll & Mrs. Ansari
Room 32 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00-2:00 248.726.3756
Pre-K 4 MWF Calendar Daily Routine coming Fall 2024
Mrs. Roll, Teacher
This is Mrs. Roll's 8th year of teaching. She went to Macomb Community College for her Associates Degree and Rochester College for her Bachelor's Degree. She says that the best thing about teaching is "watching every child blossom in their own way, and become who they are day by day."
Her family is one of the best things in her life. Her immediate family includes her two parents, her husband, Adam, and her twins who were born in March 2022. Her favorite color is blue, her favorite food is fettuccine alfredo and she enjoys scrapbooking and camping.
Mrs. Ansari, Assistant
This is Mrs. Ansari's third year with RCS Pre-K. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Science from India. She says the best thing about teaching is "to make difference in kids life and watching them grow and change and I just really love how every little thing is so exciting for these kids."
Mrs. Ansari and her husband, Zahid, have been married for over 20 years and they have 2 children, Amr and Zayaan. Their family enjoys camping, traveling, and exploring new places and foods. Her favorite color is white and she enjoys listening to music and relaxing in her backyard.
Hampton ~ Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Beshir
Room 34 Monday- Thursday 8:30-1:30 248.726.3758
Pre-K 4 M-TH Calendar Daily Routine coming Fall 2024
Mrs. Hammond, Teacher
This is Mrs. Hammond's 23rd year of teaching and her 9th year with RCS Pre-K. She went to Humber College in Ontario, Canada where she earned a degree in Early Childhood Education. She says the best thing about teaching is "having fun while learning."
She has been married for over 25 years, has a son who attends Michigan State University, and an adorable boxer named Stella. Her favorite color is blue, her favorite food is pizza, and she enjoys doing puzzles and watching her son play hockey.
Mrs. Beshir, Assistant
This is Mrs. Beshir’s 6th year as a Pre-K Assistant. She went to college overseas. She says the best thing about teaching is that she never stops learning.
Mrs. Beshir lives with her husband and three sons – Mark, Martin, and Mathew. As a family they like to take long drives. Her favorite color is purple, she likes spicy food, and she enjoys gardening.
North Hill ~ Mrs. Mason & Mrs. Feeley
Room 1 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30-1:30 248.726.4353
Pre-K 4 MWF Calendar Daily Routine coming Fall 2024
Mrs. Mason, Teacher
This is Mrs. Mason's 27th year teaching. She went to college at U of M (BA) and OU (Masters in Education). She says that the best thing about teaching is "the kids!"
Mrs. Mason has been married to Steve for over 25 years, they have two children, Samantha and Nicholas, and two beagles, Bella and LaBeau. Her favorite color is yellow, her favorite food is fudge and she enjoys traveling and gardening.
Mrs. Feeley, Assistant
This is Mrs. Feeley's 16th year teaching. She went to college at Michigan State University. She says the best thing about teaching is "knowing something I did or said made a difference in a child's life and they in turn made such a difference in mine."
Mrs. Feeley and her husband, Brian, have three daughters, Katherine, Megan, and Caleigh who are all proud Spartans. Her favorite food is pizza, her favorite place is Paris and she enjoys reading and football.
North Hill ~ Mrs. Imlay & Mrs. Bogojevski
Mrs. Imlay, Teacher
This is Mrs. Imlay's 10th year of teaching and third year as a lead teacher. She went to college at Eastern Michigan University. She says that the best thing about teaching is "watching the growth in children and knowing you helped make a difference."
Mrs. Imlay is married and has two daughters. Their family enjoys watching Disney movies together. Her favorite color is blue, she enjoys going to the beach and being a dance mom.
Mrs. Bogojevski, Assistant
This is "Mrs. Bogo's" 12th year of teaching. She has a degree in Early Childhood Education. She says that the best thing about teaching is "watching the children grow and develop throughout the school year".
She and her husband have been married for over 20 years and have three children, Marko, Josef, and Juliana. They enjoy family dinners together and going on bike rides. Her favorite color is pink, her favorite food is pizza and she enjoys spending time in her backyard.
University Hills~ Mrs. Brisse & Mrs. Fieblekorn
Room 7 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30-1:30 248.726.4420
Pre-K 4 MWF Calendar Daily Routine coming Fall 2024
Mrs. Brisse, Teacher
This is Mrs. Brisse's 24th year of teaching. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Oakland University and a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Saginaw Valley State University. She says the best thing about teaching is "the kids!"
Mrs. Brisse is married and has two grown daughters, one in New York, and one in Colorado. Her favorite color is green, her favorite food is lasagna, and she enjoys making crafts.
Mrs. Fiebelkorn, AM Assistant
This is Mrs. Fieblekorn's 6th year working as a Pre-K Assistant. She went to college at Albrecht Durer College in Dusseldorf, Germany. She says the best thing about teaching is "getting to know children and seeing them grow throughout the school year."
Mrs. Fiebelkorn lives with her husband, Todd, her daughter, Laren, her son, Max, and two cats. Her favorite color is purple and she enjoys reading and baking. Mrs. Fiebelkorn has visited 29 different countries!
University Hills ~ Mrs. Gladstone & Mrs. Bortolotti
Mrs. Gladstone, Teacher
Mrs. Gladstone has been teaching preschool for 10 years. This is her 2nd year with RCS Pre-K. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Studies from Rochester University. Mrs. Gladstone says the best part of teaching is "creating a classroom environment that makes children feel safe and loved."
Mrs. Gladstone grew up in Oxford, MI (Go Wildcats) and lives there with her husband and two daughters. Her favorite color is grey. Her favorite foods are Stuffed Grape Leave, Hummus and Fried Kibbeh. Her favorite place is the beach. In her free time, Mrs. Gladstone enjoys reading, playing with her girls, traveling, and playing cards.
Mrs. Bortolotti, Assistant
This is Mrs. Bortolotti's 2nd year with RCS Pre-K. She has a Bachelor's in Psychology, a specialization in Clinical Psychology, and a Teacher Certificate all from Sao Paulo, Brazil. She has always been interested in child development and she says the best thing about teaching is "the opportunity to come back to the school enviroment in a new country and focus on child development."
Mrs. Bortolotti and her husband moved to the United States from Brazil in 2021 with their children Marina and Caio. Her favorite color is blue, her favorite food is barbeque, and her favorite places to visit are Brazilian beaches. In her free time she likes to travel and go see new places.