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RCS Foundation Scholarships

Scholarships are an investment in our community’s future. By connecting donors, nonprofit organizations and leaders to philanthropic opportunities, we can work together to create an everlasting endowed legacy to provide scholarships to students and staff wanting to continue their education or financially support participation in school and/or community educational activities.

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On This Page

Learn more about the following scholarships
managed and offered through the RCS Foundation to support RCS students and employees:
Student Scholarships:
  • RCS Foundation Scholarship Program 
  • Rochester Support Personnel Association (RSPA) Scholarship

Staff Scholarship:

  • RCS Clerical Personnel Award: The Microsoft Office® Specialist (MOS©) Certification
To quickly access and complete the scholarship application(s), Click Below: 


Annual RCS Foundation Scholarship Program

Every year in November, the Rochester Community Schools Foundation and the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester, in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Rochester and the Rochester Rotary Club, provide area students with a vast array of scholarships to promote continuing education.
There are two separate websites offering scholarships for RCS graduating seniors. Each site has its own scholarship offerings, application and set of instructions.
Congratulations to the RCS recipients of Class of 2022! Click here to see the 2022 RCS recipients of scholarships offered through the RCS Foundation. #RCSFcares #RCSpride.

Rochester Support Personnel Association (RSPA) Scholarship

The RSPA Scholarship fund was established in 2003 in partnership with the Rochester Community Schools Foundation.
The scholarship is available to all RCS students who demonstrate a need for assistance and a desire to participate in school and/or community educational activities.  These activities include but are not limited to tutoring services, field trip payments, intramural registration or fees, after-school care and yearbooks.
Any RCS employee or parent may nominate a student for the award.
The RSPA Committee will review and determine the number of recipients to  award based on availability of funds every year. An application can be downloaded by clicking on the form link below, completed and dropped off at your school’s main office to be interofficed to Ms. Linda Key.
Applications are also available in all school buildings.
Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year for review and consideration of funding. Reimbursement for past activities is not eligible. Payment will be made directly to the organization or individual providing the service.

RSPA Scholarship Application Form


The RCS Clerical Personnel Award: The Microsoft Office® Specialist (MOS©) Certification

The Microsoft Office® Specialist (MOS©) Certification for RCS Clerical Personnel Award fund will provide the financial resources to support any active and permanent clerical employee of Rochester Community Schools attaining the Microsoft Office® Specialist Certification, per the criteria and requirements defined in Rochester Support Personnel Association Enhanced Credential Stipend details documented in the guidelines attached as Appendix A.
$250.00 award will be funded to a current RCS clerical employee attaining the Microsoft Office® Specialist certification and who provides evidence of taking and passing the three qualifying Microsoft Office® Software application tests and the issuance of attaining the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification.
The secretary should also provide a copy of the Notice of Adjustment issued by the RCS Human Resources Manager confirming this employee has met the criteria as defined in Appendix A.
Requests should be submitted to the RCS Foundation Director and will be reviewed, recommended and approved by the founder, the MOS© Certification for RCS Clerical Personnel Award fund committee, or the RCS Foundation director.
Rochester Community Schools Foundation

The Rochester Community Schools Foundation

52585 Dequindre Road,
Rochester, MI 48307

(248) 726-3190

RCS Foundation Mission

To support and advance learning for all Rochester Community Schools students by obtaining contributions for academics, arts, and athletics.

About RCS Foundation

The RCS Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is independent from the Rochester Community Schools. The Foundation works in partnership with the school district to support educational programs that are above and beyond what the district could otherwise provide. The Foundation allows the community to support an outstanding education program in spite of state funding pressures.
Your support of the Foundation makes a difference in the lives of Rochester Community Schools students!