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Click the images below to view our Student and Athletic Codes of Conduct and the Student-Family Handbook.

Student Code of Conduct

First page of the PDF file: RCS Code of Conduct

Athletic Code of Conduct

First page of the PDF file: RCSAthleticCOCBook

Respect Code

First page of the PDF file: Respect Code District Equity Statement Final 2022
Musson art student with teacher

RCS is  committed to providing a positive and supportive learning environment for every student so all members of our school community are safe, valued, and respected.

Adams soccer champs
West drummers

RCS Academic Integrity Agreement

Rochester Community Schools
Academic Integrity Agreement

Rochester  Community  Schools  has  high  expectations  for  students  and  hopes  that  students have  equally  high expectations for themselves and their classmates. Students are reminded that all of their work should reflect their own efforts and ideas. Work from other  sources must  be credited accurately.  Unless directed by the teacher, students must assume all assignments are to be done individually. Remember  – your honor and character are more valuable to you than any grade.

The following are all examples (but not limited to) of academic dishonesty:
    1.    Copying a classmate’s homework or class work for any subject or class.
    2.    Allowing a classmate to copy work from any subject or class.
    3.    Disclosing test or quiz questions or answers to classmates.
    4.    Looking at a classmate’s paper or discussing/sharing answers during independent work time, quizzes, tests, labs or lab reports.
    5.    Looking at/taking answer keys from a teacher without permission.
    6.    Turning in /taking credit for an assignment you did not do yourself, excessive revision by tutor or parent or that has been submitted and graded in a previous class.
    7.    Using electronic devices (including cameras, flash drives, cellular phones or other communication/data devices) to gain answers or knowledge of assessments in advance, either for personal use or distribution.
    8.    Copying, paraphrasing or cutting and pasting without properly giving a source credit.  This is regarded as plagiarism. See your teacher for details for citing and crediting sources at each grade level.  Taking credit for someone else’s ideas (passing off the work of others from print 
resources or  Internet as your own) without properly listing the source. This includes text, audio, video, artwork and images and is considered the intellectual property of the original author.
    9.    Using resources that are not permitted by the teacher. Examples may include Sparknotes®, Cliffsnotes®, calculator memory, on-line translators, formulas, Wikipedia®,
  10.  Forging signatures on grade reports or contracts.
  11.  Sharing digital files with another student or using a digital file created by someone else and submitting it as your own work.
  12.  Having another person write an assignment or research paper for you or accessing one from an online source already completed.

Consequences for academic dishonesty may include (but are not limited to) one or more of the following:

  • A zero (0) on the task assignment (such as test, quiz, projects, etc.) regardless of point value
  • Parent contact and/or conference
  • Referral to administration for step system placement 

Students, by signing the Receipt of Documents Form you are aware:

  • That you understand all of the above are examples of academic dishonesty.
  • That you understand the seriousness of academic dishonesty and the consequences for it.
  • To be academically honest with your teacher, your classmates and yourself.
Male STEM student
High school boys with teacher
Baldwin graduates

Student-Family Handbook

First page of the PDF file: RCSStudent_FamilyHandbook24-25
back to school
student section

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Rochester Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, creed or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, height, weight, familial status, arrest record or physical and mental disabilities in accordance with the Elliot-Larson Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) MCL 37.2206, Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act (PWCRA), MCL 37.1206,Title II, Title VI, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (8U.S.C., Section 1324A Et.Seq.) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In addition, individuals will not be excluded from, or be denied, the benefits of participation in any program or activity for which the Board is responsible.
Rochester Community Schools has designated the following individuals as Compliance Coordinators:

Title IX, Title II and Section 504 Students: Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, 52585 Dequindre Road, MI 48307 (248)726-3106;
Equal Employment Opportunity/Section 504 for non-students: Chief Human Resource Officer, 52585 Dequindre Road, Rochester, MI 48307 (248)726-3110.