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Parent Advisory Committee PAC

Rochester Community Schools Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) was formed to strengthen relationships between parents of students with disabilities and the special education community. PAC was organized to ensure the finest special education programs and services are available for the students in Rochester Community Schools. The PAC meets monthly with the Director of Special Education and/or supervisors to discuss issues relative to the Special Education Department. Each school in Rochester Community Schools has two representatives on the committee. Early Intervention, Preschool, Post-secondary, and Out-of District programs are also represented.

PAC Proudly Sponsors:

  • Disability Awareness Workshops
  • Special Education Appreciation Evening
  • Parent-to-Parent Newsletters

Parent Education Workshops District PAC representatives are another resource to help parents within the district resolve issues and concerns quickly to benefit all the students.


Interim Director Anne Evans
Chairperson Melissa Hoffman
Vice Chair Parent Enrichments Kari Norton
Vice Chair Membership Erin Handzo
Communications Chair Julie Stalker
Recording Secretary Erin Handzo
Legislative Representative Karin Ferrari
Budget Liaison Karen Packwood
Past Chairperson Ann Ehlert