Early On Birth to 3
Early Intervention services foster the development of infants and toddlers birth to three years of age. The Early Intervention team follows Early On guidelines regarding the importance of providing the majority of a child’s services in his/her natural environment. When services are delivered in this manner, it promotes continued developmental progress for the child and carry over of skills into the child’s daily routines. The Early Intervention team provides play-based activities that target and support the child’s development. The staff also assists parents/caregivers with integrating strategies into a child’s daily routines. Service providers may include teacher, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, social worker and/or school psychologist depending on the child’s needs.
Birth-3 Team
Laura Hansen, Speech Pathologist
Krissy LeMarbe, Social Worker
Cornelia Samoila, Program Coordinator
Christi Sundt, Speech Pathologist
Meaghan Wilson, Early Interventionist, Part C-Lead Coordinator
Debbie Zimmerman, Early Interventionist
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