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student reading book
teacher working with young students around a table
student holding the origami projects they made

The Rochester Community Schools mission statement requires students be prepared intellectually to deal with and contribute to a demanding, interdependent world by being self-disciplined, analytical and able to draw support from a variety of resources. Our goal is to provide a curriculum which meets students needs and challenges them based on their abilities.

At the elementary level, students are provided opportunities for acceleration, extension, and or additional instruction based on demonstrated performance. Differentiation takes place within the regular classrooms where specialized instructional strategies can be applied on a daily basis rather than being limited to an identified program.

The Rochester Community Schools provide an extensive curriculum for its elementary students. The diversity of programming exists to accommodate not only individual student needs but to provide a solid basis for continuing education and life.

Curriculum by Grade Level

Rochester Community Schools utilizes Atlas Rubicon for our K-12 district curriculum. This system allows students, parents and educators to easily view the curriculum expectations of each grade level and subject in the core content areas. To view the scope and sequence of our curriculum, please visit Atlas Rubicon

PA 360

In October 2016, Public Act 306 (Third Grade Reading Law) was signed into law.  The law has many aspects that are geared toward achieving literacy success for students in grades K-3.  The major component of the law requires that 3rd grade students who do not pass the State of Michigan Reading Assessment beginning in the spring of 2020 are retained (held back from going on to 4th grade the following year).  Parents should note that there are several "good cause exemptions" that would allow students to proceed to fourth grade.  Other components of the law were implemented beginning the 2017-18 school year. All students in grades K-3 must be assessed, using Michigan Department of Education (MDE) approved diagnostics.  Based on these assessments, students in grades K-3 who have identified "reading deficiencies" are to be placed on Individual Reading Improvement Plans (IRIP).

MDE Read by Grade Three Law- English

MDE Read by Grade Three Law- Spanish

MDE Read by Grade Three Law- Arabic