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Global Competencies

The 6Cs

Deep learning is the process of acquiring the six global competencies, also referred to as the 6Cs: character, citizenship, communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. In the video, Dr. Michael Fullan, director of the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, outlines the development of the 6Cs. 

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Character refers to qualities of the individual essential for being personally effective in a complex world including: grit, tenacity, perseverance, resilience, reliability, and honesty.

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Thinking like global citizens, considering global issues based on a deep understanding of diverse values with genuine interest in engaging with others to solve complex problems that impact human and environmental sustainability.

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Communication entails mastery of three fluencies: digital, writing, and speaking
tailored for a range of audiences.

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Collaboration refers to the capacity to work interdependently and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and team‐related skills including effective management of team dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others.

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Having an ‘entrepreneurial eye’ for economic and social opportunities, asking the right questions to generate novel ideas, and demonstrating leadership to pursue those ideas into practice.

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Critical Thinking

Critically evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, construction meaningful knowledge and applying it in the real world.

Learning Experiences that Foster the 6Cs

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  1. Involve higher-order cognitive processes to reach a deep understanding of content and issues in a contemporary world 
  2.  Include immersion in addressing areas or issues that are often cross disciplinary 
  3. Integrate academic and personal capabilities
  4. Are active, authentic, challenging, and student centered 
  5. Are often designed to impact the world, locally or more widely
  6. Take place in a range of setting and increasingly use digital connectivity 

Resources to Help Foster the 6Cs