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AP Exam Registration

The Advanced Placement exams will be offered by Rochester Community Schools off-site at Oakland University with the exception of a few other exams, such as the World Language exams and Studio Art (check the AP schedule for exact locations). Students scoring well on the AP exam(s) may potentially waive college requirements or receive college credit. Students should check the individual university they plan to attend to verify their AP policy either by going on the college website or by contacting the college directly. If there are any questions regarding the AP exams, the students should consult their counselor, building AP Coordinator, or AP teacher.

Problems with College Board Login

Should you have a problem logging into your College Board account you will need to contact College Board directly DO NOT create a 2nd College Board account. This will cause issues with your score report.

AP Services for Students Hours: M-F, 9 am - 6 pm ET

Phone: 888-225-5427