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Historical Information


A History of Strategic Planning Excellence

In the 1980s, then Superintendent Dr. John Schultz launched the first long-range strategic plan, which consisted of a vision, mission, beliefs and several key result areas. District stakeholders were held accountable for objectives, strategies and action plans. The strategic plan evolved into Goals 2000 and Goals 2010, undergoing revision every few years.

In April 2013, Dr. Robert Shaner was appointed superintendent. Dr. Shaner initiated a new strategic planning initiative in October 2013. With thorough research and community input, a plan emerged. Pride in Excellence: Strategic Planning 2020 was adopted to ensure that all RCS students would be focused on the goal of becoming “college ready, career ready, and life ready.”

The strategic planning team produced a framework that said: “Rochester Community Schools will become a world-class educational system by guaranteeing a viable, high-quality curriculum for all students.” This framework had three goal areas: Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment; Global Awareness; and Technology and Infrastructure.

In February 2020, Rochester Community Schools began preparing for the next phase of an updated 2025 strategic plan by having a community conversation about our Focus on the Future. Students, staff and community members were invited to think about the future of education beyond traditional teaching and learning opportunities.

The strategic planning process was interrupted in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In April 2023, the Board of Education directed the administration to generate a request for proposals for a partner in strategic plan facilitation. The RFP window was open May 15-June 1 and four vendors were selected for public interviews from 10 respondents.

On June 22, 2023, the RCS Board of Education selected G&D Associates to serve as the RCS strategic planning facilitator. G&D will collaborate with district leadership, staff, students, families and community stakeholders throughout the school year to provide a roadmap for ongoing success as RCS continues to provide high-quality public education and innovative learning opportunities for all students.

“We look forward to initiating a new strategic planning process that will take into consideration a variety of viewpoints through stakeholder feedback,” said Board of Education President Michelle Bueltel. “The strategic plan will be based on a shared vision; lead to measurable goals and objectives; and effectively guide our district's ongoing and future work. This is an exciting time as we re-evaluate and set our sights on a new horizon.”

In July 2024, Mr. Nicholas Russo was appointed superintendent. Mr. Russo remains committed to continuing the legacy of excellence within Rochester Community Schools.

Legacy Work: Focusing on the Future 2025

RCS students answer the question, "What does the future of education look like?"

Dr. Bill Daggett, International Center for Leadership in Education, inspires community conversations

RCS students share their perspectives during a panel discussion at RHS on Feb. 8, 2020

Pride in Excellence: Strategic Planning 2020

Strategic plan 2020 brochure, page one


Strategic plan 2020 brochure, page one