Kindergarteners On The School Bus - Q & A
Welcome! Kindergarten is the start of an exciting academic adventure for your child. The bus driver is the first contact the student has with the school day. We are pleased to provide you with answers to commonly asked questions about Rochester Community School's transportation services.
It is important that families discuss school bus rules and safety procedures, even with our youngest riders.
Kindergarten Transportation
- Why is my child on the school bus for such a long period of time?
- If my child is late getting to the bus stop, can we just go to another one?
- Can my kindergartener be dropped off at the bus stop without an adult present?
- Must there be an authorized adult present at the bus stop for my child in the afternoon?
- Who is "authorized" to pick up my student at the bus stop?
- What happens when there is a Half Day of school?
- How do I know if everything is OK if the bus is running late?
- Can I have my child transported to a day-care facility?
- When should by student be ready to board?