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Transportation - Durham School Services


Bus information for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. Please check your ParentVue account for student bus information.

After checking ParentVUE for your students bus information, if there are concerns about your students bus stop location, please fill out a Bus Stop Change Request Form. This fillable form is located in the Transportation Documents section. Return this request to transportation, using the Transportation Documents e mail address for a stop location review.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Durham School Services Transportation Center
380 S. Livernois
Rochester Hills, MI  48309
Main Office - 248-726-5925
Fax - 248-726-5935

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Summer Hours
Monday - Friday 6:30am - 4:30pm

Rochester Community Schools continues to partner with Durham School Services for student transportation.  Durham School Services believes that safety is always paramount. Parents have entrusted us with the care of their most precious possessions, their children.  This is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. Competent, dependable and consistent school bus drivers and monitors are critical to ensuring a safe and efficient transportation program. All Durham School bus drivers must adhere to the requirements set by the State of Michigan before they are hired in order to ensure they have the necessary training and skills to safely transport students. Our bus drivers and bus aides undergo a complete background screening before they are hired.  They are also required to attend mandatory monthly safety meetings to keep their skills at a level that is expected within the Rochester Community School District.

Please feel free to contact our office staff with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child's school bus transportation.

If you are interested in applying to be a bus driver or bus monitor, please use the information below:

Click Here to Apply!

Search Rochester Hills, MI 

Call Transportation for information and interview :248-726-5925 Tamala Kent.


App Icon Edulog Parent Portal, Blue field with Digital Bus

The district is now piloting the Edulog Parent Portal in a testing phase.

A soft launch of this technology allows families an opportunity to install the app now and become familiar with its features, prior to the start of the 2023-24 school year. Click the blue icon to be directed to information on the app as well as steps for download and setup.