Frequently Used Phone Numbers
- Aflac: 1-586-436-8281
- BCBSM Customer Service: 1-866-616-1684
- BASIC Flexible Medical Reimbursement and Dependent Care Reimbursement accounts: 1-800-444-1922
- Health Equity (HSA provider) member services 1-877-284-9840, available 24/7
- HelpNet EAP: 1-800-969-6162
- Heritage Vision: 1-866-852-8947
When enrolling and/or making changes to your healthcare accounts, the following documents are needed at the time of enrollment for all employees and their dependents:
• BCBS Enrollment Form
• Marriage License
• Birth Certificates or Verification of Birth
• Adoption paperwork
CHANGES TO YOUR INSURANCE ACCOUNT (during non-open enrollment):
Please complete an Enrollment Form for the following life change events:
• Marriage (please return a copy of the marriage license, if you wish to add step-children, a copy of the decree showing primary insurance responsibility is needed)
• Divorce (please return the portion of the divorce decree that show the effective date)
• Birth/adoption of a child (please return a copy of the birth certificate, for adoption include paperwork showing full custody)
• Death of a family member
Please note: not all benefit programs apply to every employee group; consult your Union Contract for more information. Insurance changes due to birth or marriage must be completed within 30-days of the event or you will need to wait until the next Open Enrollment period to apply.